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Alpha Battle for Azeroth : de nouveaux dialogues dataminés [SPOILERS]

Mercredi 28 févr. 2018 à 15h15, par

alpha battle for azeroth : de nouveaux dialogues datamines [spoilers]

Un nouveau build a été déployé sur les serveurs de l'alpha de Battle for Azeroth. De nouveaux modèles ainsi que plusieurs lignes de dialogue intéressantes ont été dataminés.

Même si ces dernières contiennent des spoilers mineurs, nous vous recommandons de ne pas tout lire si vous souhaitez découvrir l'intrigue de la prochaine extension par vous même. On y constate le retour d'anciens héros et d'une race ennemie des trolls.

Découvrez les principales informations et les textes en anglais à la suite de cet article.


Genn Grisetête lors de la bataille de Lordaeron

  • En réponse à l'agression de la Horde sur Teldrassil, l'Alliance mène un siège sur Lordaeron.
  • Les grands héros de l'Alliance y participent, y compris Genn Grisetête.
  • L'objectif est de vaincre Sylvanas, qui parvient à s'échapper.

Brothers and sisters of the Alliance, hear me!
The Horde's cowardly attack on Teldrassil brought war upon us... and made clear what is truly at stake.
Their warchief's goal was not to capture a single city, but to destroy our way of life... and snuff out hope for generations to come.
To secure our future, the Banshee Queen must answer for her crimes. Her dark reign ends today!
Together we will drive her evil from this land... and raise our banners above Lordaeron once more!
Stand as one! FOR THE ALLIANCE!
Soldiers! Fall in and form ranks!
King Anduin is leading the assault! Push past the reserves and secure the battlefield!
Smoke is... so thick...
These goblins must be stopped! Focus on the shredder!
The blight is too dangerous, my king! We cannot afford to--
My king, our siege towers are lost! Our numbers are waning...
Agreed. I'll guard the rear flank.
That accursed blight blocks our path. Our forces can't follow her.

En représailles de l'attaque de Telldrasill par la Horde, l'Alliance assiège Fossoyeuse.

En représailles de l'attaque de Telldrasill par la Horde, l'Alliance assiège Fossoyeuse.

Les Aqir

  • Les Aqirs sont une civilisation ancienne dévouée aux Dieux très anciens.
  • Ils ont été vaincus par les Zandalari il y a très longtemps.
  • Ils sont de retour pour Battle for Azeroth.

You will be eradicated!
The rotted screams will herald his arrival.
We have always been in your mind.
The wound festers. The world putrifies.
Hunger insatiable, the king feasts.
Lesser creatures must serve... or die!
I am superior!
How is this... possible...
You were the weakest strain!
So frail! So unworthy!
Not a single worthy trait among you.
Ug' crish zul Thraxas!
Il qul zerakish!
Ul basha krix.
Hul bala miz rilakich...
Ug' bwafa qilikx za!
Ca' lish!
Naza bul rexil qalic ul'.

We are bound forever in the vastness of the deep.
You are mine!
I will await you... in the dark...
I reside within your lungs!
The fathoms will devour your screams!
Beneath the tides, your truth awaits.
Blood pours forth in the depths.
The crawling ones have awakened!


  • Longtemps disparu, Rexxar est de retour du côté de la Horde.
  • Il cherche à retrouver la perle des marées, un artefact puissant permettant de contrôler les mers.
  • Les nagas sont en possession de la perle des marées.

A fine kill... but our true prey retreated into the shrine.
Dark powers or no, you will be our next kill!
Make peace with your queen, for your life ends here.
Your head will soon be mounted on my wall!
The pearl is not here. Perhaps Azshara's minion was more clever than he appeared.
Hmm... The trail leads deeper into this foul-smelling passage.
Keep your senses sharp. Some unseen force stalks us.
It led us into its lair!
Prepare yourselves. This beast will be a worthy hunt!
It is the law of the wild. The strong take from the weak.
The pearl is ours! With it, our vessels will become predators of the sea.
Now then... time to carve a trophy.
With the power of the Tide Pearl, our fleets will be unstoppable.
The Alliance must not claim this prize. All who oppose us will fall!
Now... let the hunt begin!

Rexxar se bat du côté de la Horde dans Battle for Azeroth

Rexxar se bat du côté de la Horde dans Battle for Azeroth

Roi Dazar

  • Dazar est le premier roi des trolls.
  • Zul tente de faire revenir Dazar à la vie.

Accordin' to me research, this be the resting place o' Zandalari's first king.
It's a shame you're not ere, Zul, ta see your construct break.
Could've stuffed your diseased corpse into one o' these sarcophagi.
Ha! If that was the best ya had, Zul, no wonder the troll empire fell!
Ye heard 'em! We best figure out the source o' this Old God corruption... so we can drop the hammer on it!

I will shred your flesh!
Even death cannot break de bond between us, my pets. Now feast... FEAST!
Come, my dear ones. It is feeding time!
Enough! You have earned de honor of dying by my hand!
None can withstand my blade!
Time to bleed!
Hunting season has begun!
You will pay for desecrating my temple!
Can it be? Yes... At last!
You could never take my crown!
My legend will outlast yours!
Dis is why I am king... and you are nothing.
Silence, prophet of lies!
I spent my life resisting your master, only for you to bind me to his will in death.
Dese intruders will die... but I need not listen to your prattling while I make it so.
You have broken Zul's hold! I serve dat swine no longer!
Crawl back to your master and see how he rewards failure!
You have freed me from a cruel fate, but Zul is merely a puppet in a larger plan.
Even now his master gathers power. Zul will not rest until all de world is in de blood god's grip.
For de sake of Zandalar... and for your kingdoms as well... you must stop him.

Zul tente de faire revenir le roi Dazar à la vie.

Zul tente de faire revenir le roi Dazar à la vie.


  • L'azérite est le sang d'Azeroth.
  • La ressource contient une grande puissance.
  • Toutes les races sont attirées par son pouvoir.

Da azerite be bendin' ta me blood magic!
Da azerite... be ours... ta control!
There be a huge amount of azerite nearby and enemies tryin' te use it for themselves. Stop them and absorb the azerite!
With this azerite, we be one step closer to empowerin' the Heart of Azeroth to heal the planet's wounds.
Our intelligence reports indicate the horde is planning to secure some kind of artifact from these Sethrak. Let's beat them to it shall we?
Well that sure was not what I was expecting! I'm sure our mages will be wanting to take a look at this thing, excellent work, hero.
The blood of Azeroth will fuel our queen!
Too late... we have all the azerite... we need...!
Azerite elementals are wreaking havoc in the area! Stop them and whoever is agitatin' them.
Good work, champion. We need te stop anyone tryin' te take advantage of Azeroth's blood.
Sweet sweet azerite!

The Eyes of Sethraliss have been removed!
Recover the jewels and place them back in their sockets so can we pass!
This azerite shall grant me unlimited power! DIE!
Hah... the sethrak already... know the secrets of... azerite...

All will serve, even the very life force of Azeroth!
Azeroth's... soul... will... serve.. the Mogu!

Les gisements d'azérite sont convoités par toutes les races.

Les gisements d'azérite sont convoités par toutes les races.

Port de Boralus

  • Boralus est la capitale de Kul Tiras.
  • La ville est gérée par la famille Portvaillant.

Here we are - Boralus Harbor. Aside from Proudmoore Keep, it's the most heavily guarded part of the city.
You see, my mother was from Lordaeron and my father was a decorated knight of Stormwind. They sent me here during the Third War to keep me safe.
Cyrus taught me to ride. Taught me to fight. He was one of Daelin Proudmoore's most trusted knights! Daelin hand-picked him to raise me.
I always felt a little guilty about Cyrus being forced into a desk job to raise me. But I supposed it's the only reason he wasn't in the battle of Theramore.

I don't know how long these walls will hold. We should not linger here.
I take it this is your first visit to Kul Tiras? Don't worry, I'll make sure you're all settled in!
Fortunately, we happen to know the Harbormaster. Cyrus was forced to take the job years ago, when I first arrived here as a child.
This ferry connects to stations all along the interior coast of the sound. You'll need a ferry pass from the Harbormaster's office.

The counting house is under heavy guard day and night. Feel free to store your valuables here.

Ah, there's my girl. You must be restless, being cooped up here all day.
Believe me, I know the feeling. I'll take you out for a flight soon, okay?
Our final stop is the bank - it's on our way to the Harbormaster's office.

This here's the best tavern in all of the Great Sea. I spend a lot of time in here pestering travelers to tell me their stories. Especially folks from the Eastern Kingdoms!

Looks like some of your allies have already docked. Hopefully they got a warmer welcome than Jaina did…

We know they're crooked, but without concrete proof we can't bring them to justice.
Pretty much everybody works for them in one way or another. Even the gangs.
Ashvane controls the nation's wealth. The Ashvane Trading Company holds all of the official state contracts for trade and production.
The Proudmoores the military. The city guard and marines all answer to Lord Admiral Katherine Proudmoore. Technically, she rules the entire nation.
Kul Tiras is made up of many houses, but the real power is split between Proudmoore and Ashvane.

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À propos de l'auteur : Zecharia

Zecharia est le co-webmaster de Hearthstone-Decks et Overwatch-World. Il accompagne également régulièrement Mamytwink dans ses vidéos sur YouTube et vous conte également l'histoire de vos cartes Hearthstone favorites.

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Commentaires (51)

Tous les commentaires Top commentaires

  • 34 messages

wow ! :O
  • 15 messages

Rexxaaaaaaaaaar ! :D
On l'avais pas vu depuis BC lui non ?
  • 752 messages

La fin de WoW approche à votre avis ?
J'imaginerai bien un Warcraft IV nous présentant un nouveau monde, ainsi que de nouvelles intrigues pour faire prologue à un WoW 2 sur ce nouveau monde. Enfin je pense ça surtout parce qu'Azeroth commence à être gravement menacé. M'enfin ça empêcherai pas de revoir quelques vieux héros d'Azeroth (puisqu'on sait qu'Anduin va bien vieillir avec Velen). M'enfin ça pourrait être intéressant.
PS : J'ai beaucoup de sympatie pour Azeroth j'émet juste une théorie comme ça. ^^
  • 41 messages

Petite faute avec le nom de Sylvanas qui devient Sylavanas ^^
  • 115 messages

rexxar était présent sur wod et il est dans le class order chasseur sur légion
  • 41 messages

Citation de Valukarrexxar était présent sur wod et il est dans le class order chasseur sur légion

Faut espérer une refonte de Rexxar par ce qu'il avait le même skin depuis mathusalem.
  • 751 messages

Les Aqirs sont ils une race insectoïde?

Nan parce-que les Mantides, les Nérubiens et les Qirajis (dont je trouve le nom assez proche des Aqirs) sont tous des serviteurs des DTA et sont des races insectoïdes, donc ça pourrait se défendre? ^^
Citation de ViriathusLes Aqirs sont ils une race insectoïde?

Nan parce-que les Mantides, les Nérubiens et les Qirajis (dont je trouve le nom assez proche des Aqirs) sont tous des serviteurs des DTA et sont des races insectoïdes, donc ça pourrait se défendre? ^^

Les Aqirs sont les descendent des Mantide , Nerubien et Silithe on a appris leur existence a cata dans le métier d'archeologie donc oui la fort a pariée que sa soit des insecte ^^
  • 6110 messages

Non, pas les descendants, les ancêtres. Les Qirajis, les Nerubiens et les mantides sont tous issus des Aqir à la base.
Citation de djbaptNon, pas les descendants, les ancêtres. Les Qirajis, les Nerubiens et les mantides sont tous issus des Aqir à la base.

Oui dsl tromper xD

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