Jeudi 28 juil. 2011 à 15h26, par Crocmagnon
Jeudi 28 juil. 2011 à 15h26, par Crocmagnon

Lors de la maintenance qui a eu lieu hier, une nouvelle série de correctifs a été appliquée sur les serveurs Européens.
Outre quelques ajustements au niveau des sorts et techniques des Mages, Chamans et Guerriers, on apprend que la vie de Baleroc et de Fandral a été réduite en mode 25 joueurs héroïque.
Concernant le JcJ, Blizzard nous fait savoir que l’Œil du Cyclone a été temporairement retiré des Champs de Bataille côtés.
Voici la liste détaillée de ces correctifs, en Anglais :
- General
- Characters should no longer receive errors or potential disconnects when using Levitate, Slow Fall, or the Parachute Cloak while falling.
- All combat and vanity pets should now respawn normally after players use any flight path.
- Classes
- Mages
- Combustion should no longer ignore damage modifiers on a target. As an example, Smoldering Elemental packs in the Firelands should no longer take full damage from Impact’s spread of Combustion, despite these creatures having damage reduction modifiers.
- Shaman
- Shamanism (Elemental passive) now causes Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells to gain an additional 32% benefit from the shaman’s spell power, up from 20%.
- Warriors
- Deep Wounds should no longer ignore damage modifiers on a target. As an example, Smoldering Elementals in the Firelands should no longer take full damage from Deep Wounds, despite these creatures having damage reduction modifiers.
- Mages
- Dungeons & Raids
- Players who die and release before a boss is killed should now receive Valor and Justice points. However, players that release at the moment the boss dies and are currently at the loading screen will become locked to the dungeon, but will not receive any currency for the kill. We’re working to address this in a future update.
- Firelands
- Alysrazor
- Alysrazor cannot dodge or parry attacks from players.
- Alysrazor’s melee evasion angle has been adjusted so that players have a larger area to use abilities which require that they be behind their target.
- Blazing Talon Clawshapers will now properly aggro a new target when threat is dropped.
- On Heroic difficulty, Brushfires will despawn once Firestorm is cast, and since the Initiates shield themselves during firestorm, none are cast again until it ends.
- Molten Feather is removed once Alysrazor ignites at 50 energy, as opposed to when she burns out.
- Baleroc
- On 25-player Heroic difficulty, Torment now grants a stack of Vital Spark per 5 applications, up from 3. To compensate, Baleroc’s health has been reduced on 25-player Heroic difficulty.
- Beth’tilac
- Attacking the Fire Hawk flock along the way to Beth'tilac will not cause the Hell Hound pack to aggro as well.
- Majordomo Fandral Staghelm
- Fandral’s health has been reduced on 25-player Heroic difficulty.
- Damage suffered from a shaman's Spirit Link totem will no longer break player Concentration.
- Player pets should now benefit from their master's Concentration.
- Fandral now gains energy when his Flame Scythe hits fewer than 7 targets. The amount gained increases as fewer targets are hit.
- Alysrazor
- The Occulus
- Wiping to Mage-Lord Urom in any phase of the encounter no longer causes players to be unable to use their Dragon Essences to mount drakes.
- Items
- The Moonwell Chalice is now on a shared cooldown with other on-use trinkets.
- The Moonwell Phial is now on a shared cooldown with other on-use trinkets.
- Professions
- Crafted Bloodthirsty bind-on-equip relics and cloaks are no longer unique, allowing players to craft and hold more than one of the same item type in their inventories.
- PvP
- Battlegrounds
- Eye of the Storm has been temporarily removed from the Rated Battlegrounds options.
- Battlegrounds
- Quests & Creatures
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Beezil Linkspanner's gossip option should now always be available if players have completed the quest Onward to Light's Hope Chapel, allowing players who have not already done so the ability to complete the achievement Full Caravan.
- Hyjal Regrowth & Molten Front
- Players should now be able to accept the quest Unlocking the Secrets Within from Rabine Saturna after turning in A Smoke-Stained Locket.
- Players who are Hated or Hostile with the Steamwheedle Cartel faction can still turn in the quest Well Armed to Ricket.
- The creature abilities Smoldering Roots and Blazing Stomp no longer affect pets (the unexpected launch of player pets no longer occurs).
- Eastern Plaguelands
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Patch 4.2 : Correctifs – 27 juillet