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Citation de Oeil-grisC'est pas un peut tard pour modifier le temple noir?
Le Temple Noir ne sera pas modifié, ils ajoutent seulement un scénario qui se déroulera dans le Temple Noir.
"Les scénarios sont des aventures courtes et instanciées prévues pour trois joueurs et qui sont étroitement liées aux histoires et aux évènements de l’univers du jeu. Au cours d’un scénario, vous aurez un certain nombre d’objectifs à réaliser afin de progresser. La formule « Nettoyer les gardes, liquider le boss, rincer et recommencer » est ici remplacée par des objectifs variés qui vous seront confiés et que vous devrez accomplir pour faire avancer l’intrigue développée au sein du scénario. En d’autres mots, dans les scénarios, c’est véritablement l’histoire qui vous guide, bien plus que dans les donjons."
Oh la la Le Conflit Horde/Alliance n'a jamais été aussi original et divertissant ! J'ai hâte.
Ahah, c'est donc ça le système de combats souterrains, du solotage. Vivement, j'ai hâte de m'y mettre!
Information pour ceux qui font la quete legendaire , le scenario du temple noir sera une étape pour la quete legendaire : Patch 5.1: Wrathion Quest Line
The last thing we heard from Wrathion were his instructions to await the fleet's arrival in Patch 5.1. After meeting the scout, and clearing the way, the fleet will arrive.
You can then visit Wrathion again, who wants to learn more about Varian. You must then prove that your faction should win the war by earning Revered with him, which is done by killing forces of the opposing faction in Krasarang Wilds. There are some side quests along the way, such as winning 10 battlegrounds or taking a group to kill a general.
After you are revered, Wrathion will call you back to tell you what he has learned about Varian. This is seemingly where the quest line stops for now. It may be incomplete, as the Horde side of the quest line is not even added yet.
That isn't all Wrathion is doing in this patch however. Warlocks can obtain a Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion that is sealed. After binding it to you and consulting with one of your demons, you can take it to a Warlock trainer to find out more about it.
You then visit Wrathion, who asks you to read Legacy of the Masters (Part 1). You are then sent to General Nazgrim / Admiral Taylor to let him know that you are going to try and recruit The Council of the Black Harvest to aid in the fight against the Alliance / Horde.
Next, you infiltrate the opposite faction's base to obtain the second part of Legacy of the Masters. You retrieve Jubeka's Journal from them, which has clues as to the location of four Soulstone fragments that contain memories. Once you have collected them all, you combine them and follow the source of the power to the Black Temple.
You then follow Kanrethad and Jubeka's trail to the top of the Black Temple. While on your way there, Akama will make another appearance in the area where you fought Bloodboil. He is under attack by forces you unleashed in the Reliquary of Souls, so you assist him and then make your way to the summit.
Once there, something happens that creates The Eye of the Storm. You then return to Wrathion to try and find out what it is. He doesn't know anything about it, but is willing to ask his agents. They are busy with the Horde and Alliance war, so you will have to wait until Patch 5.2 to find out what happens next!
The last thing we heard from Wrathion were his instructions to await the fleet's arrival in Patch 5.1. After meeting the scout, and clearing the way, the fleet will arrive.
You can then visit Wrathion again, who wants to learn more about Varian. You must then prove that your faction should win the war by earning Revered with him, which is done by killing forces of the opposing faction in Krasarang Wilds. There are some side quests along the way, such as winning 10 battlegrounds or taking a group to kill a general.
After you are revered, Wrathion will call you back to tell you what he has learned about Varian. This is seemingly where the quest line stops for now. It may be incomplete, as the Horde side of the quest line is not even added yet.
That isn't all Wrathion is doing in this patch however. Warlocks can obtain a Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion that is sealed. After binding it to you and consulting with one of your demons, you can take it to a Warlock trainer to find out more about it.
You then visit Wrathion, who asks you to read Legacy of the Masters (Part 1). You are then sent to General Nazgrim / Admiral Taylor to let him know that you are going to try and recruit The Council of the Black Harvest to aid in the fight against the Alliance / Horde.
Next, you infiltrate the opposite faction's base to obtain the second part of Legacy of the Masters. You retrieve Jubeka's Journal from them, which has clues as to the location of four Soulstone fragments that contain memories. Once you have collected them all, you combine them and follow the source of the power to the Black Temple.
You then follow Kanrethad and Jubeka's trail to the top of the Black Temple. While on your way there, Akama will make another appearance in the area where you fought Bloodboil. He is under attack by forces you unleashed in the Reliquary of Souls, so you assist him and then make your way to the summit.
Once there, something happens that creates The Eye of the Storm. You then return to Wrathion to try and find out what it is. He doesn't know anything about it, but is willing to ask his agents. They are busy with the Horde and Alliance war, so you will have to wait until Patch 5.2 to find out what happens next!
Citation de triton25Les haut fait des 150 montures donne un cerf-volant pandaren ?
Rassurez moi, c'est pas celui de "Ambassadeurs des pandarens" ?
J'ai eu la même réaction d'entrée xD Je suppose que ça sera une variante de couleur. Ou alors c'est une récompense temporaire pour les PTR et ils en mettront une autre pour le live, c'est déjà arrivée. Ou alors une déco pour monture qui ajoute un cerf-volant ^^
Je voudrais ajouter qu'il faut aussi voir avec ce patch un ajout massif au niveau du Lore. En effet, on va voir revenir Lorthemar Theron et son second l'archimage dont j'ai oublié le nom.
Du nouveau sur la suite de l'histoire avec Nazgrim et Anduin Wrynn.
Tyrande aussi à un vrai rôle pour la première fois depuis Warcraft 3.
Jaina va remplacer au siège du Kirin Tor de Dalaran son ami Rhonin; défunt lors de l'attaque de Theramore.
Et je vais pas tout spoil vous verrez le reste par vous même.
Du nouveau sur la suite de l'histoire avec Nazgrim et Anduin Wrynn.
Tyrande aussi à un vrai rôle pour la première fois depuis Warcraft 3.
Jaina va remplacer au siège du Kirin Tor de Dalaran son ami Rhonin; défunt lors de l'attaque de Theramore.
Et je vais pas tout spoil vous verrez le reste par vous même.
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WoW patch 5.1 : récapitulatif des nouveautés