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Au sujet des boucliers liés au compte

Jeudi 09 juin 2011 à 10h09, par

Alors qu'ils existent de nombreux objets liés au compte, ne vous-êtes vous jamais demandé où était passé le bouclier ? Pièce indispensable à certaines classes de tank ou de soin, cet objet ne fait actuellement pas parti des objets d'héritage.

Eh bien, sachez que Blizzard envisage peut-être d'implémenter le bouclier lié au compte. Quand ? Ils ne le savent pas. Pas tout de suite en tout cas.

We have a small update on this topic that we thought would be of interest to you guys.

It's quite possible that heirloom shields will be added to the game at some point in the future, but we can't quite yet make any promises on this. There are still a lot of considerations and decisions to be made, so it is by no means fully certain that we will implement heirloom shields.

Although I am sure that everyone would love to get specific details on how many shields may get added, what they might look like, what stats they would have, and how they can be obtained, the only thing that we can say with fair certainty is, in terms of pricing, they should be something you can work towards as a goal just like all the other heirlooms.

En plus court :

What I was trying to say is that Heirloom Shields are something we will likely add to the game in the future, however it is not yet fully certain that it will happen.



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