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Correctifs 25 février : classes, fief, fonderie des Rochenoires

Jeudi 26 févr. 2015 à 12h13, par

6.1 : correctifs pour WoW

Une journée après le lancement du patch 6.1, Blizzard nous fait part sur le forum officiel de la mise en place de correctifs. Ces derniers touchent un large éventail de catégories dans World of Warcraft.

Ainsi des rectificatifs sont appliqués aux classes, puis aux quêtes et bâtiments liés au fief. La Fonderie des Rochenoires se voit aussi touchée par quelques modifications que nous vous invitons à prendre connaissance dans la suite de cet article. Notez que la traduction arrivera très certainement au cours de la journée. L'article sera mis à jour en conséquence.

Blizzard Posté par Blizzard (Source)

6.1 Hotfixes: February 25


  • Tanking Specializations no longer generate threat from heals.
  • Fixed an issue where threat dropping abilities were sometimes incorrectly removing crowd-control effects.
  • Fixed an issue where images summoned by Spectral Guise (Priest Talent) or Mirror Image (Mage) would incorrectly retain threat when resummoned.
  • Druid
    • General
      • Shifting in-and-out of Cat Form should now correctly reapply Cat Form's speed bonus while Dash or Stampeding Roar is active.
      • Fixed an issue where various item effects that provides a buff based on the player's highest stat sometimes picked the wrong stat for Balance and Restoration Druids that were shapeshifted into Bear Form or Cat Form.
      • Fixed an issue where Ferocious Bite may consume more Energy than intended when the ability Multistrikes.
    • Talents
      • Bloodtalons (Feral) should no longer incorrectly consume a charge if the attack misses, is dodged, or parried.
  • Mage
    • Talents
      • Prismatic Crystal should no longer be incorrectly affected by friendly auras that reduces damage taken.
  • Monk
    • General
      • Tiger Strikes should no longer incorrectly activate on unsuccessful autoattacks, but will be able to activate from successful Multistrikes. Fixing this will result in an overall damage gain for all Monks, so there are a couple of additional adjustments (see below). Additionally, Tiger Strikes should now correctly provide the full 10% chance to trigger for Mistweavers in Crane Stance while equipping one-handed items in conjunction with off-hand items. For more details of this change, please visit the forum thread: Upcoming Tiger Strikes Hotfix.
        • Keg Smash (Brewmaster) now deals 20% less damage.
        • Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 20% increased damage from the Monk's abilities (up from 10%).
        • The tooltip for Tiger Strikes is incorrectly stating that the chance for it to activate is 6.25% while dual-wielding. The actual chance is 5% (and has been since Warlords of Draenor released). The tooltip will be corrected in a future patch.
    • Talents
      • Fixed an issue with Chi Torpedo that caused it to deal no damage unless the Glyph of Water Roll was applied.
  • Paladin
    • Glyphs
      • Glyph of Holy Shock now decreases the healing of Holy Shock by 25% and increases its damage by 25% (down from a 50% decrease to healing and 50% increase to damage).
  • Priest
    • Talents
      • Saving Grace (Discipline, Holy) should now correctly reduce absorbs done (was incorrectly reducing absorption taken).
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus effect for Shadow Priests is now removed at the beginning of a boss encounter. The set bonus will still work during the encounter.
  • Rogue
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 4-piece set bonus for Combat Rogues should now provide the correct set bonus for Cold Blood. Note that the tooltip will incorrectly display text for the old set bonus and will be fixed in a future client-side patch.
    • Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an issue that could allow the effects of Master of Subtlety to persist longer than intended.
      • Attacking targets immediately after Vanish transitions to Stealth should now correctly remove Stealth and trigger Subterfuge.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Fire Nova should now work correctly with Flurry. Additionally, Fire Nova should have its global cooldown reduced by haste.
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus for Elemental Shaman should now correctly provide immunity to silence and interrupt effects while Ascendance is active.

Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts

  • Garrison Campaign Quests
    • Bringing the Bass: Lumbering Ancient can now be tapped by multiple players. Loot from the creature has been temporarily removed.
    • New Goods (Alliance version): Fixed an issue where Lieutenant Thorn was not offering this quest to eligible players.
  • Garrison Buildings
    • Mine, Level 2 (Horde): Fixed an issue where some of the ore nodes were spawning in the air.


  • Frostfire Ridge
    • The Battle of Thunder Pass: Fixed an issue where players dying during the battle may sometimes be unable to complete the quest.
  • Nagrand
    • Shields Down!: Players should now receive credit for interacting with the Arkonite Crystal and be able to complete the quest.

Raids and Dungeons

  • Blackrock Foundry
    • General
      • Ogron Hauler no longer hits targets while casting Overhead Smash and Overhead Smash now increase Physical damage taken by 100% (down from a 200% increase) on Raid Finder difficulty.
      • Slagshop Brute now pauses for 2-seconds after using Lumbering Strength.
    • The Blast Furnace
      • Phase 1
        • Adds in the encounter should now be more immediately responsive to threat generation upon jumping into the encounter space.
        • Furnace Engineer's Repair ability now heals Heat Regulators' health every 1.5 seconds (up from every 1 second). Additionally, Furnace Engineers should no longer instantly cast Repair if they're in the middle of casting Electrocution or Bomb.
      • Phase 2
        • Firecaller's Volatile Fire now hits up to a maximum of 2 targets on Raid Finder difficulty, and 3 targets on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
        • Slag Elemental's nameplates now go away when they are Dormant.
        • Multiple Slag Elementals should no longer Fixate on the same player.
    • Flamebender Ka'graz
      • The fight should now reset when a Cinder Wolf is moved outside the encounter area.
      • Flamebender Ka'graz's Charring Breath and Lava Slash should now be correctly removed after an encounter reset.
    • Kromog
      • Players under the effects of Rune of the Grasping Hand should no longer take damage or stunned by Rune of Crushing Earth.
    • Beastlord Darmac
      • Beastlord Darmac's Pin Down ability should now deal damage in a radius of 25 yards around the spear impacts rather than around Darmac. Additionally, visuals for the attack should no longer be sometimes hidden by the floor.
      • Visuals for Spirit of the Rylak's Superheated Shrapnel and Dreadwing's Inferno Breath should now more accurately display the abilities' area of effect.
    • Operator Thogar
      • Fixed an issue where the door leading to Operator Thogar may fail to open if the raid wipes shortly after starting the encounter.
    • Blackhand
      • Blackhand should now correctly create a Slag Crater beneath the target of his Massive Shattering Smash.
      • Visuals for Blackhand's Shattering Smash and Massive Shattering Smash should now be visible with Projected Textures disabled.
  • Legacy
    • Throne of the Four Winds, Conclave of Wind: Fixed an issue where players may be unable to receive loot if their pet lands the killing blow on Conclave of Wind.


  • Ashran
    • Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox no longer contains Primal Aspirant's gear (item level 600). Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox now contains only Primal Combatant's gear (item level 620) with a small chance for Primal Gladiator's gear (item level 660) and Flask of Conquest.

Battlegrounds and Arenas

  • Battlegrounds
    • Warsong Gulch: Fixed an issue where players entering a match that's in-progress will cause the character to have 1 health and be displayed as dead.
  • Arenas
    • Fixed an issue where players were incorrectly awarded two Steel Lockboxes for completing a 3v3 and 5v5 skirmish.


  • Blackrock Ham's well fed bonus should now correctly provide a buff to Critical Strike.
  • Dread Pirate Ring should correctly provide a bonus to Stamina, Critical Strike, and Haste once more (was incorrectly set to Intelligence, Stamina, and Critical Strike).
  • S.E.L.F.I.E. Cameras should now use the correct animation for Human Male and Female models.
  • Savage Feast's well fed bonus should now work correctly with the Pandaren Epicurean racial ability.

Bug Fixes

  • General
    • Resolved an issue where players that attempt to teleport back from a dungeon after having recently upgraded their Garrisons may receive an "Instance not found" error.
    • Fixed a server crash during the daily quest reset.
  • Items
    • Fixed an issue where Alliance players were unable to purchase the Battle Pet, Clock'em.

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À propos de l'auteur : Melody


Melody, la touche féminine de Mamytwink.com. Elle a rejoint la rédaction durant l'été 2012 et égaie depuis les lecteurs du site par sa douceur et sa poésie. Outre ses nombreux guides, elle n'hésite pas à mettre en avant par le biais de ses news la créativité de la communauté.

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Commentaires (9)

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  • 41 messages

Pas cool le nerf sur l'aggro des tanks sur les soins, c'était bien pratique pour choper l'aggro sur des packs de mobs à distance :(
  • 23 messages

Donc si j'ai bien mal compris,le Fix du moine n'est pas encore effectif ?
Vraiment très utile de mettre un patchnotes en anglais alors qu'on a ces news en français sur le site de WoW.
  • 432 messages

@Phindette A L'heure où je te parle les hotfixes ne sont même pas encore mis sur le site de wow FR donc au lieu de dire de la merde réfléchis.
  • 485 messages

Ce serait bien un jour de vous mettre à la traduction tout le monde n'est pas bilingue ici -_-...

"Notez que la traduction arrivera très certainement au cours de la journée. L’article sera mis à jour en conséquence."
  • 1262 messages

@Licorne21 Après il faut déjà savoir lire l'introduction qui est en français c'est vrai...
  • 432 messages

@Phindette C'est bien de mettre un lien en français un jour après. Mais lorsque tu as écris ton premier commentaire, Blizzard n'avait pas traduit le hotfixe donc arrête de t'enfoncer maintenant :D

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